What Is Consent Mode V2 & Implementation (2024 Update)

Learn about the latest in data privacy and how to implement Consent Mode V2.

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What is consent mode v2

“Consent Mode” is a feature provided by Google for its Google Analytics platform. It was introduced to help website owners comply with data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union.

Consent Mode allows website owners to adjust how Google Analytics collects and uses data based on the user’s consent status. For example, if a user hasn’t given consent for tracking, Consent Mode can adjust the way Google Analytics collects and processes data to respect the user’s preferences.


This feature enables website owners to maintain compliance with regulations while still gathering valuable analytics data about their website visitors. It helps strike a balance between data privacy and the need for insights into user behaviour.


Let’s say you run an e-commerce website. With Consent Mode, if a user visits your site but hasn’t given consent to be tracked, Google Analytics will adjust its tracking methods. Instead of collecting detailed data like browsing behaviour or purchases, it might only gather basic information, like the number of visits to your site. This way, you’re still respecting the user’s privacy choices while getting some level of analytics data to understand overall traffic trends.

In short, Consent Mode helps you stay on the right side of data privacy laws while still getting useful insights into your website’s performance.


In November 2023, following the DMA, Google released a new update of Consent Mode, known as Consent Mode V2.

This update was mainly because of a European law called the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This law aims to make sure big online platforms like Google play fair and don’t have too much control. As part of the DMA, Google has to make sure it doesn’t use people’s personal info for marketing if they haven’t said it’s okay.

This implies a significant change in consent management: it’s no longer sufficient to offer users the option to manage their consent via Consent Mode, but it’s necessary to actively ensure that the expressed preferences are respected. For example, if someone says no to marketing on a website using Google Analytics, Google won’t use their info for ads or promotions. They have to follow the rules of the DMA.

Setting up and updating your Consent Mode to v2 is crucial if you want to keep gathering lots of accurate data and run successful remarketing campaigns while making the most of your advertising budget.

You’ve got until March 6, 2024, to upgrade your consent management system to Consent Mode v2.

What changes with Consent Mode v2 and Advantages

In technical terms, Google’s Consent Mode is a new API developed to offer more flexibility in using Google products (and others) alongside cookie consent management platforms, known as Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) like Cookiebot, Iubenda, OneTrust, etc.

Let’s simplify it.

Consent Mode basically automates the handling of parameters for tags related to user profiling (necessary, statistical, marketing), saving you from dealing with complicated tag configurations. In simpler terms, Consent Mode talks to consent management platforms (CMPs) to change the behaviour of Google tags before and after visitors to your website make their consent choices.

Compatible Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) with Consent Mode v2 include:

  • Cookiebot
  • Iubenda
  • OneTrust
  • Osano
  • Sourcepoint

Here’s the list of Google services that integrate with Consent Mode v2:

  • Google Analytics 4
  • Google Ads (Google Ads Conversion Tracking and Remarketing)
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Gtag
  • Floodlight
  • Conversion Linker

The new Consent Mode update introduces two key features:

  • ad_user_data: This manages consent for collecting and using user data for ads.
  • ad_personalization: This controls consent for personalised ads (like Google Ads remarketing).

These changes help websites comply with privacy laws and optimise online ads. But remember, Consent Mode V2 isn’t a replacement for consent banners or cookies. Instead, it works alongside them to improve consent collection and conversion tracking.

With the introduction of CM v2, you can:

  1. Selectively disable tracking tags if users haven’t consented to specific cookie categories, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations while maintaining advertising effectiveness.
  2. Say goodbye to lost conversions from Google Ads campaigns. CM v2 ensures accurate data tracking, giving you confidence in your campaign performance.
  3. Keep your remarketing campaigns sharp and cost-effective by leveraging consent-specific data collection, avoiding wasted ad spend.

BASE and ADVANCED configuration of Consent Mode v2

Consent Mode V2 brings two new concepts: Advanced Consent Mode and Basic Consent Mode. Let’s break them down:

  • Basic Consent Mode: In this mode, Consent Mode is active on your website or app, but Google’s tags won’t load or collect any data until the user grants consent. It’s like keeping the data collection on hold until you get the green light from the user.
  • Advanced Consent Mode: This is the default mode recommended by Google. It means Consent Mode is active, and it collects some data even from users who haven’t granted consent. This data includes pings or basic signals, but not detailed information.

Here’s how the different consent modes would work:

  • No Consent Mode: This means you haven’t implemented Consent Mode at all. Any data collected by Google Analytics is assumed to have consent from the user. In other words, you’re gathering data regardless of whether users have explicitly given consent.
    Example: Sarah visits your website but hasn’t agreed to any cookie or tracking policies. Despite this, Google Analytics still records her actions on your site, such as pages visited and time spent.
  • Basic Consent Mode: With this mode, you’ve implemented Consent Mode, but data is collected only if the user grants consent. If users don’t consent, their data isn’t tracked by Google Analytics.
    Example: John visits your website and sees a popup asking for consent to track his browsing behaviour for analytics purposes. If he agrees, Google Analytics records his actions. If he declines, no data is collected about his visit.

Advanced Consent Mode: In this mode, you’ve implemented Consent Mode, and data is collected when users both grant and deny consent. This means you can gather information about users who deny consent, but it’s limited compared to those who grant consent.
Example: Emily visits your website and decides not to consent to tracking. Despite her decision, Google Analytics still collects some basic data, such as the fact that she visited your site, but it doesn’t record specifics about her actions like page views or clicks.

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How to Implement Google Consent Mode V2

Implementing Google Consent Mode V2 requires a few critical steps to ensure your website meets data privacy standards and optimizes user consent management. Start by integrating a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that supports Consent Mode V2, such as Cookiebot, Iubenda, OneTrust, Osano, or Sourcepoint. These platforms facilitate the collection and management of user consents.

Next, update your website’s code to include the Consent Mode API. This involves configuring the gtag.js library to respect the consent signals from your CMP. For Consent Mode to function correctly, you must set up two new configuration parameters: ad_storage and analytics_storage. These parameters control how Google services respond to the consent status for advertising and analytics cookies.

Here’s a basic outline for implementing Consent Mode V2:

  • Choose a Compatible CMP: Select a CMP that is compatible with Consent Mode V2 and implement it on your site.
  • Update Your Website Code: Incorporate the Consent Mode API by configuring the gtag.js library on your website. This setup communicates with your CMP to manage consent statuses.
  • Configure Consent Parameters: Define ad_storage and analytics_storage settings in your gtag.js configuration. These settings adjust how Google processes data based on user consent.
  • Test the Implementation: Use tools like Google’s Tag Assistant or the Network tab in your browser’s developer tools to verify that Consent Mode is working correctly. Check for the presence of the gcd parameter in requests to confirm that consent statuses are being correctly transmitted to Google services.

Remember, implementing Consent Mode V2 doesn’t eliminate the need for clear communication with your users about data collection practices. Ensure your website’s privacy policy is up-to-date and transparently explains how and why you collect data.

By following these steps, you can set up Consent Mode V2 effectively, ensuring your website navigates the complexities of data privacy laws while maintaining valuable insights into user behaviour.

Checking Consent Mode Activation

To verify if Consent Mode is active, you can check for additional parameters sent with each analytics and advertising request to Google’s services. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Use Google’s Tag Assistant tool.
  • Utilise the Network tab in your browser’s developer tools.
  • Install a browser extension for this purpose.

In the original Consent Mode, check for a parameter called “&gcs” in the requests. It follows this format: G1xy.

  • “x” shows consent for Google Ads cookies (1 for yes, 0 for no).
  • “y” shows consent for Google Analytics cookies (1 for yes, 0 for no).


  • G100: No consent.
  • G110: Ads consent, but no Analytics consent.
  • G101: Analytics consent, but no Ads consent.
  • G111: Consent for both Ads and Analytics.

Note: G100 only happens in “Advanced Consent Mode.”

With Consent Mode V2, check for the “gcd” parameter in all requests.

To confirm Consent Mode is active, look for specific parameters in requests to Google services. Tools like Google’s Tag Assistant or the browser’s Network tab can help identify these parameters. Consent Mode V2 introduces the “gcd” parameter for more precise consent tracking.

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